Sunday, November 26, 2006

Doctor's Notes and Other Medical Proof:

This is the page where I will place copies of all medical bills and the notes and diagnosises of my health care providers proving the lawyer for Auto Owners wrong. Bolster stood there in the conference room at my lawyers office on mediation day and said they admit the lesion on my left knee is their responsibility to pay for but the rest of my medical conditions are as a result of other issues as discussed in the depositions. Issues such as:

My being gay
My son having special needs such as Autistic Spectrum disorder Asperger's syndrome
My son being addicted to alcohol and drugs
My mother dying of breast cancer
Sexual abuse in my childhood

Blah blah blah Some of the deposition is here. Read for yourself. Read the doctor's notes and you decide if I am right or the lawyer.

My lawyer said at the time this is the grossest misrepresentation of the medical fact he had ever seen.

BTW, they admit to having to pay for the lesion on my left knee caused by my knee hitting the dashboard during the crash. I get that and they are correct. But they say the completely severed peroneal nerve under that same knee cap is because I am a lesbian?

I have undergone three nerve conduction tests from Jan. 2003 (all three done by neurologists)to May 2004.! These tests are very very ,painful. They tape a piece of metal to my left foot, and beginning up around my waist they inserted this long skewer type needle with a wire attached into a muscle, then they shoot electricity into this skewer and shoot that current down to the metal plate on my foot. Then they work on down the body; placing that same skewer into various places front and back along the leg, hips, buttocks, calves, etc. I am not exaggerating when I say this procedure is painful.

The last test in May 2004 the neurologist did it on both sides of my body confirming what I sort of suspected all along; the nerve damage is on both sides of my body and permanent; not chance of treatment or cure.

Jeff there is no way my being gay or having a son with special needs can cause nerve damage! You mean spirited horrible person you!

You stood up that day in front of all of us saying you would prove in court that all of my injuries (except the lesion left knee) was caused by my other issues; then you proclaimed in front of us that if I lost I would have to pay court costs. To me this is black mail. Plain and simple. Unfortunately, you got your good ole boy network at the Bar Association to believe you and left me hanging.

I am grateful that I have found Blog Spot. There seems to be no limit to the # of images I am allow to put up here. For Free.

It is going to take me awhile to upload medical records becase there are so many of them. I will start with the medication records from the three pharmacies I have used sine 1997. You will see that I was not ill before the accident on 12/31/1999 because there are little or no scripts. But after 12/31/1999 it is a nightmare of meds.

Be patient as I scan the documents, put them in order of date (starting from the oldest), erase contact data for myself and docs, upload to the site. I plan on spending on hour a day finishing up on the blog until:

Auto Owners Insurance Company cries UNCLE and fixes what they did to me by paying out the rest of the policy

When I get my lawyer who is not afraid of the gay issue and loves to tackle big corporations

Which ever comes first, I will spend that hour a day working on this blog. I literally have nothing left to loose. Nothing.
So what if Auto Owners sues you?
well read on............

Auto Owners threatened to sue me over a year ago (please see letter posted here from Froman who works for Auto Owners to me). They sent
the threatening to sue
letter. I wrote them a letter asking them to have their attorneys send me a letter outlining what local, state and federal laws I was breaking by talking about what they did to me. I never received a response to that letter; which is also here in the blog. So in essence I challenged them and they did not respond; there is no law saying what I am doing here is illegal.

Now it is my turn to tell what happened and what they did to me.

I am going to creat a new page for copies of medical records with no text.