Nov. 18, 2006
Dear Gov. Mike Easley, Sen. Elizabeth Dole, Sen. Richard Burr, Mr. Jim Long (NC Dept. Of Insurance and Mr. R. L. Looyenga, CEO Of Auto Owners Insurance Company:
Two days ago, I checked my account at the bank before writing a check for my mortgage for the month of Nov. It was the day before it would have been considered late. My balance was/is $.02.
This is because the IRS put a lien on my checking account and took every single penny out of my account. I have no money. I have run out of all resources to get help for me to save my house, pay my bills, put food on the table for me and my pets. I was terminated from Medicaid and Food Stamps because I made too much money.
I am very very sick and so deeply depressed. At am quickly approaching the end of the battle. I tried so hard to get things taken care of with the IRS about what they said I owed. I never owed this money. But my depression is so deep and my health so bad I could not get everything I needed to prove it to them. $1.600 may not be a lot of money to ya’ll but to me it was impossible.
What I did manage to do since talking to IRS the last time was go wean myself off my anti-depressant Cymbalta. I was given this medication to help with the depression but most importantly it was to help with the severe nerve pain I have. It clouded up my head and tired me out. I knew I had to do this. For three weeks after, I vomited almost everything I ate. I felt anxious and irritable. I slept as much as possible. I retrieved two boxes of un-filed paperwork that I needed to prove my case. I managed to go through it and only pull out what needed to be shredded not filed. I also managed to separate my medical bills from other documents. In the six weeks that was all I managed to do. They promised me they would stay in touch and call me right before placing this lien. I heard nothing until two days ago. That was all I could do.
I wanted to ask for help with legal aid but was no longer eligible for this because I was terminated from Medicaid.
I am almost there, at the end of my hope. There is no one to assist me with finances. I have kids but they have their own responsibilities so I don’t ask.
My house payment is late now. I have no money to buy food for me and my pets. Two months of bills for utilities are due. Car insurance is past due. Taxes on my car are way overdue and I will not be able to renew registration. In less than a week my phone will be cut off. On Dec. 1 so will the electricity and the water.
Because of what Auto Owners has done to me I am ruined.
I just do not care to live any longer. It is too hard, too painful and very difficult to live in a world where no one cares, where a company is allowed to hurt a person so badly without repercussions or punishment. I am no good to my children, as I cannot go to see them or move to Atlanta to be with my kids and grandchildren. I feel bad for my kids. And my grandchildren. I feel bad for my pets that I love dearly.
When it gets so bad I cannot take it any longer. I will find a home for my pets, write letters to my loved ones, drive into Charlotte to the office of Auto Owners. Take my camping chair to their front door with something to drink and then slowly start swallowing valium, Oxycotin (I take 20 mg three times a day for pain), some leftover Methadone and just wait to fall asleep. Auto Owners did this to me. It is only fitting that I end the struggle for life at their doorstep. I will also call the news stations right before taking the medications.
None of you will know when this will happen. You will only hear about it on the news.
Gov. Easley, I wrote to you to ask for help with this situation. What did you do? You forwarded it on to Jim Long with the Dept. of Insurance. And sent me a letter saying this was the best you could do. No Gov. Easley it was not the best you could do. You have lots of power and could have addressed with Auto Owners their actions and behavior. And you could have sent them a written warning that you would not tolerate companies coming to NC and treating your citizens this way. So I blame you too Gov. Easley for taking my life.
Mr. Long, you sent me a letter saying I could sue them and that was all your could do. I say to you sir, no that wasn’t all you could do. Your job is to monitor insurance companies and protect the citizens of NC from bad faith insurance companies. You have no excuse Mr. Long, you had more knowledge than anyone, the copies of the deposition. So I blame you too Mr. Long for my decision to end my life.
Sen. Dole and Sen. Burr, you both are also guilty of turning your back on me and allowing Auto Owners to continue to get away with their crimes against me. Deliberate Infliction of Emotional and Financial Distress.
Mr. Looyenga, your sin is the worst of all. You hired and paid Jeff Bolster $50,000 to destroy me. I have contacted you as well to give you the chance to correct this and undue the wrongs. You ignored it. Well one of your employees sent me a letter saying that Auto Owners would sue me if I don’t shut up. Well you won.
I got another letter from IRS today saying that they had indeed taken the money out of my account and on Dec. 12th they were taking almost $900 more. That was an hour ago. And that is when I made up my mind what I had to do.
I life has no value anymore. And I can’t stand living with the pain. The thought of being evicted is just too much. I won’t let that happen. I will take my life before it happens. None of you thought my life had any value either.