Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Nena; my dog
This are my sweet dogs. The one on the right is Nena. Last year she had been ill for a few months and I looked to my book on caring for pets to take care of her. I did not have the money to take her to the vet. I had just applied for disability the month before and was living on Supplemental Security Income; which was less than $600 a month. The day Hurriance Katrina hit; I went outside in the afternoon to feed and water the mutts. They both were lying under the butterfly bush. I called them and Nena did not move.
I walked over there to see what was going on. She was dead with a large pool of blood that had come out of her mouth. I went inside and cried about my dog and ofcourse this let me to looking back at the persons responsible for placing me and my pet family into this terrible situation; Auto Owners Insurance Company and their attorney.
I went outside; it was about 95 degrees, started digging a hole close to the house. It took me several hours; in the meantime I had wrapped Nena in a tarp to keep her safe. Then I buried her. That weekend my partner before coming to my house stopped by Home Depot to buy stuff to cover Nena's grave and that we could make a proper burial marker for that very sweet dog.
Nena was born the runt of the litter in 1997; I had to take care of her from Day 1. I WAS her mother. It still hurts. She was only 8!