Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Jeff Bolster's Deposition of Me: Pages 12,13,14 and 15
Asking about my layoff of July 2001 just a few weeks before 9/11. More questions about the financial solvency of the company.
He asked me about employment prior to the day of the accident 12/31/1999 going back to 1978. Discussion about why I left these jobs. None of these questions had anything to do with the accident.
Medical history prior to the accident. Detailed questions about high school and why I left school way back in 1967. The tone of this line of questioning was condesending and a put down. Times were different back in the 1960s. I quit school to help my mother take care of my five siblings while our Dad was in Viet Nam. Important to the accident?
Previous medical history including child birh and hysterectomy and other very personal things that have absolutely nothing to do with the accident. I was a very healthy woman before 12/31/1999 and rarely went to the doctor. He made it sound like a crime that I did not get sick before the car wreck. I answered that I was very fortunate my health was good back then. And I was fortunate.