I got out the holiday decorations last night; I always do a winter theme in the living room on the two big windows. Before I decorate I clean this room from top to bottom and it is about the only time this room gets cleaned except when someone comes over to vaccuum it for me. I just don't have the energy to clean this room; so I stay out of it.
I am sick to death at what I found in there a bit ago. My stomach is hurting so bad from being so upset. My cat Frankie has been going behind the clear sheets of plastic I have on the sofa and love seat and peeing on the oriental rug!!!!! I did not smell it. this is so terrible! The hardwood floors are blackened where the pee was siting for I don't know how long. The sofa is and love seat is ruined too as the pee got in them too.
When I saw that I it bent me over in pain and sobs. My heart is broken that my beloved cat has done this.
I have not had the money to have him neutered since I could no longer work. I have been praying he would be one of the cats that never sprayed.
I am devasted! What am I going to do? There is no way I can carry the sofa and love seat out of the house. The oriental is ruined too. The damage is probably two or three thousand dollars. The furnitue was expensive and so was the rug.
The heart breaking part is that Frankie did it; he is so precious to me and I am very upset at what he has done.
It is against my religion to curse someone or to wish them bad. I am being tested so badly right now. I cannot stop crying sobbing. My stomach hurts. I feel such hatred and anger towards those people at Auto Owners and Jeff Bolster.
I hate you people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not a hater but I hate you with every fiber of my being! Against my religion but I pray that this all comes back to you Mr. Looyenga and your dirty lawyer Jeff Bolster. I pray that all of this comes back to you every single bit of the pain and suffering I have felt in the last seven years comes down on your heads hard hard hard! Not on your family just you two fucking bastards!
I have to take a photo of this to post here. Only you cannot get the smell. Once I lifted that plastic sheeting It made me ill!
The way I feel now has caused my pain to escalate and the sadness and anger I feel has just exploded. Physically there is no way I can drive over to my sister's house after this blow. So I will spend Thanksgiving alone. Worrying what can I do about this mess.
I just am so hurt by this............