Sunday, November 26, 2006

12/97 to Present: Medications: $$$ I Have to Pay!

Wal Mart Pharmacy pages 1-5 Dates are shown on each page

Eckerds 1/1/03 to 12/13/2004 page 1-3

These records also indicate how the pain is increasing based on the increase of dosages of Oxycotin and Vicodin. I see a pain mgmt clinic and am under a pain contract; which mean random drug testing for abuse. I have been in pain mgmt since August 2002.

It also verifies what I have been posting here. And note the meds I have had to take since my heart attack on 3/14/2006.

And it clearly shows the financial burden too. I have not worked since 10/2004. Medicaid kicked in August 2005 when I applied for total disability. From August to Nov. I was paid $579 a month; my total income. Dec. 2005 to present right under $1,000. These documents also show financial hardships.

On Jan. 31, 2006 I was terminated from Medicaid and could hardly afford my medications. I lapsed on pain medication early March; no funds. Heart attack followed the withdrawals from my pain medications on March 14, 2006.

I can rant and rave all I want. But the ole
saying one picture is worth a thousand words
is so very true.